We are FALB
The online business directory that will help your business attract new customers in Crawley.
List your business and get connected locally.
Search by LOCATION, NAME and TYPE.
We are a Crawley business passionate about building a business community in Crawley. This website is here to help support businesses by connecting them to people who need them.
You are more likely to receive a better service from someone in your area as their reputation is really important to them.
There are environment benefits for using local services and it has a positive impact on your neighbourhoods business growth.
Our Visitors
We hope you will find everything you need, in Crawley on this site. From gardeners, window cleaners, beauticians to anything you need for your own business like graphic designers, web designers and printers.
This site is easy to use, easy to find what you need and makes it easy to get in contact with the service that you need.
Look out for our leaflets coming through your door too!
March Network Meeting
If you are based in Crawley or surrounding areas then you are more than welcome to join our free local networking group on Friday 8th March at 11am, at the Frogshole in Maidenbower. It is a very informal event and a great way to spend an hour on a Friday. This is a...
Why join a local business directory?
Joining a business directory can offer several benefits for your business, including: Increased visibility and reach: Directories allow potential customers searching for products or services like yours to easily find your business. This is especially valuable because...
Newest Falb member Task Fairy
The Task Fairy can help with all sorts of tasks around the home: Running errands Checking in on elderly relatives Collecting marketplace purchases Waiting in for your large delivery One off ironing, gardening, cupboard clear out. Flat packed furniture...
Subscribe to our newsletter
Around once a month we’d like to send you updates on the local businesses joining the directory and any offers coming up!