We are FALB

The online business directory that will help your business attract new customers in Crawley.


List your business and get connected locally.


Search by LOCATION, NAME and TYPE.

We are a Crawley business passionate about building a business community in Crawley. This website is here to help support businesses by connecting them to people who need them.

You are more likely to receive a better service from someone in your area as their reputation is really important to them.

There are environment benefits  for using local services and it has a positive impact on your neighbourhoods business growth.

Our Visitors

We hope you will find everything you need, in Crawley on this site. From gardeners, window cleaners, beauticians to anything you need for your own business like graphic designers, web designers and printers.

This site is easy to use, easy to find what you need and makes it easy to get in contact with the service that you need.

Look out for our leaflets coming through your door too!

Growing FALB

ADVERTISING We advertise FALB organically through most social media platforms and if you would like extra coverage, ie an introduction on social media, to which we have nearly 4k local followers (most of them are in Maidenbower) we would be more than happy to include...

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July Networking

Join us for our next Find A Local Business Crawley networking event on Friday 12th July at 11am at the Frogshole in Maidenbower! Last month's event was a huge success, with 4 new attendees! This month, we're excited to welcome Stef from Sales and Marketing Engineers...

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The Spark of Innovation: A Story of Imagination and FALB

Have you ever noticed how the most brilliant ideas can come from the most unexpected places? That's exactly what happened with the iconic FALB robot logo. One evening, after a long day, I was relaxing with my daughter in the garden. We were chatting about FALB, its...

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