How long have you been trading for?This one, three months. 🙂 Biggest challenges as a small business:I think the biggest challenge for any small business is cutting through the noise and being seen and heard. I’ve been running a crafty business for about 18...
Today we had a great, informal get-together with a diverse group of local professionals including a photographer – thank you Stephen Johnson for the fabulous group photo, IT Support, web designers, skincare, chiropractor and travel agent. We discussed our...
Go FALB, I can’t believe he’s turned one! Facebook group = 781 Networking group = 39 Online Directory Members = 16 I think that’s a great start, we’ve got a lot more to do so leaflet drops and social media posts. Keep an eye out for information...
ADVERTISING We advertise FALB organically through most social media platforms and if you would like extra coverage, ie an introduction on social media, to which we have nearly 4k local followers (most of them are in Maidenbower) we would be more than happy to include...
New structure to our meetings Join us for our next Find A Local Business Crawley networking event on Friday 12th July at 11am at the Frogshole in Maidenbower! Last month’s event was a huge success, with 4 new attendees! This month, we’re excited to welcome...